

If you said "no", then go away and do whatever it is boring people do.

If you said "Hell yeah!", then read on.

Discounts. Bonus gifts. Special deals. All sounds pretty good huh? These are just some of the things that Global Gear Legion Members will have on offer, from month to month. Each month Legion Members will receive a special code to use in the checkout for a min 10% OFF the entire order.

"So, what's the catch? What's it going to cost me? Blood oath? Deal with the Devil? Quest to Mount Doom?"

All you have to do to join our Legions is register for our email newsletters. Yup, that's it. No, I'm not kidding. See the box to the right there that says "enter your email address" ?? Just do what it says and hit the "Subscribe" button, and you're signed up! You'll get our monthly newsletter, which has heaps of info about new and upcoming awesome gear, as well as the Legion Members password for the month and details about this month's special offer. Just use the monthly password in the "Discount" field in your shopping cart before checkout, and it will automatically apply the special deal for the month!
Think it all sounds a little too easy? Worried you'll end up on some SPAM email list, and soon your inbox will be flooded with emails advertising Viagra, Self Help Seminars, and Chain Letters?? Worry not! Your privacy is important to us, and we will not sell, rent, or give your name or email address to anyone. What's more, if you ever get sick of our newsletters (you won't though, 'cos they are too awesome!), you can select the link at the bottom of every email to unsubscribe or to receive less or more information.

Join Global Gear's Legions now, and become part of the Global Gear Army!

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